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LAPAROSCOPIC BAND: A Modern Treatment Option

Definition and Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive method and involves surgical procedures by making small incisions in the abdominal cavity.

This method offers many advantages over traditional open surgery. This method provides a number of advantages such as less pain, smaller incisions, faster healing process and less risk of complications.

Determination of Suitable Candidates for Laparoscopic Band Surgery with Dr.Cihan Şahan

1. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Obesity Classification

Obesity is an increasing health problem worldwide. Laparoscopic Band surgery can be an effective option in the fight against obesity. However, it is important to identify suitable candidates for this surgical procedure. Body mass index (BMI) and obesity classification play a fundamental role in selecting suitable candidates.

Dr.Cihan Şahan states that BMI value and obesity classification play an important role in determining suitable candidates for Laparoscopic Band surgery in the treatment of obesity. Since each individual’s obesity status is different, BMI value and obesity classification are an important starting point for determining the suitability of surgery.

2. Health Conditions and Criteria

Health conditions and criteria also play an important role in the selection of suitable candidates for laparoscopic band surgery. This surgical procedure can be an effective option for individuals with obesity-related health problems. However, the presence of certain health conditions may affect the feasibility of surgery.

First of all, obesity-related health problems include conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease, joint problems, and depression. Laparoscopic Band surgery can help individuals with such health problems lose weight and improve their health. However, the management and control of these health conditions is important when evaluating suitable candidates for surgery.

However, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate lifestyle and dietary habits before and after Laparoscopic Band surgery. Candidates should adapt to diet, exercise and lifestyle changes by collaborating with their Dr.before and after surgery.

3. Psychological Evaluation

Laparoscopic Band surgery is a treatment option that deals with psychological health as well as physical health in the fight against obesity. Therefore, psychological evaluation is important in identifying suitable candidates. Psychological evaluation aims to evaluate the psychological health of individuals in preparation for surgery.

Individuals considering Laparoscopic Band surgery should comply with the physical and psychological requirements of the surgery. The psychological evaluation process is carried out as part of the preparation for surgery. This evaluation aims to evaluate the individual’s attitudes towards obesity, motivation level, psychological support needs and post-surgical expectations.

Preparation Process Before Laparoscopic Band Operation

Patient Evaluation and Counseling

It is important that patients undergo a careful evaluation before laparoscopic band surgery. This evaluation process is usually carried out by an obesity surgeon or bariatric surgeon. At this stage, the patient’s obesity-related health problems and comorbidities are also evaluated.

However, the counseling process includes informing patients about the surgical procedure. Dr.Cihan Şahan gives detailed information to his patients about how Laparoscopic Band surgery is performed, potential risks and advantages. This counseling process enables patients to make informed decisions and determine whether they are suitable candidates for surgery.

Tests and Medical Reviews

The purpose of the tests is to evaluate the general health status of patients and to detect potential complications beforehand. Medical examinations such as blood tests, urinalysis, electrocardiogram (ECG) are performed. In addition, doctors may sometimes order additional examinations such as imaging tests, ultrasound or endoscopy.

Dr.Cihan Şahan evaluates the suitability of patients for surgery according to the results of the tests and determines the potential risks.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Before laparoscopic band surgery, it is important for patients to prepare for diet and lifestyle changes. Because this surgical procedure is used as a weight loss tool, patients should adopt a diet and lifestyle that promotes weight loss.

Dr.Cihan Şahan provides support to his patients by creating an individualized nutrition plan and making exercise recommendations. Patients are informed about a healthy diet, portion control and regular physical activity. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of psychological support and motivation in the fight against obesity.

Laparoscopic Band Operation Process with Dr.Cihan Şahan

General Anesthesia and Surgical Position

During Laparoscopic Band surgery, Dr.Cihan Şahan and his team will work diligently to ensure the correct surgical position of the patient under general anesthesia. Dr.Cihan Şahan will carry out the procedure by prioritizing the comfort and safety of the patient at every step.

Trocar Placement And Camera-Assisted Surgery

The next step in Laparoscopic Band surgery is trocar placement and camera-guided surgery. Trocars are special instruments that allow small incisions to be made and the insertion of surgical instruments and camera system into the abdominal cavity. These incisions are usually made around the navel or in the abdomen and represent a minimally invasive approach.

The laparoscope integrated into the camera system transfers the image inside the abdominal cavity to a high resolution monitor. Through these images, Dr.Cihan Şahan can clearly see the surgical area and perform the procedure. The camera system allows the surgeon to minimize incisions and create less tissue damage.

Band Placement and Adjustments

The main step of Laparoscopic Band surgery is the placement and adjustment of the band. At this stage, the Laparoscopic Band, which is made of a type of silicone or latex material, is placed on the upper part of the stomach. This band divides the stomach into two parts, a smaller upper chamber and a larger lower chamber.

Band adjustments are important in the post-surgical process. Dr.Cihan Şahan will evaluate the patient’s weight loss and general health status, adjust the band appropriately and make adjustments according to the patient’s needs.

Duration of Surgery and Length of Hospital Stay

The duration of Laparoscopic Band surgery can vary depending on many factors. Usually, the procedure takes between 1 and 2 hours. However, the duration of surgery may vary depending on the characteristics of the patient and the complexity of the procedure. Dr.Cihan Şahan will carefully evaluate the patient’s condition and determine the appropriate surgical time.

The length of stay in the hospital also varies depending on the patient’s recovery process. After laparoscopic band surgery, patients usually stay in the hospital the same day or overnight. However, Dr.Cihan Şahan and his team will monitor the patient’s condition and provide a longer hospital stay if necessary.

Recovery Process After Laparoscopic Band Operation

Early Complications and Precautions

Some early complications may occur after laparoscopic band surgery. The most common among these are wound infection, thromboembolic events, and gastroesophageal reflux. It is important to pay attention to the postoperative hygiene rules, to perform wound care regularly and to use the antibiotics recommended by the doctor, especially in order to reduce the risk of wound infection.

Band Adjustments and Control Appointments

Band adjustments and control appointments are important after laparoscopic band surgery. Band adjustments are made to support the individual’s weight loss and make adjustments according to their needs. Adjustments are made at certain time intervals under the direction of your doctor. Dr. Cihan Şahan, band adjustments help patients optimize weight loss and therefore emphasizes the importance of attending regular checkup appointments.

Diet and Exercise Recommendations

The diet is determined according to individual needs after surgery and is guided by a nutritionist.

Exercise is important for supporting weight loss, increasing muscle mass and improving overall health.

Long Term Follow-up and Support

Long-term follow-up and support after laparoscopic band surgery are important to maintain success and detect potential problems early. It is important to visit your Dr.regularly and follow the recommended follow-up schedule.

Frequently asked Questions

Are the effects of Laparoscopic Band surgery permanent?

The effects of Laparoscopic Band surgery are usually permanent, but the weight loss effect may be reduced if the band is removed. It is important to maintain lifestyle changes and nutritional habits after surgery.

How much weight can I lose with Laparoscopic Band surgery?

Weight loss with Laparoscopic Band surgery differs from person to person. Typically, an average of 40% to 60% excess weight loss can be achieved within the first few years after surgery. However, these rates may vary depending on individual factors, level of adjustment and lifestyle changes.

Is there an age limit for Laparoscopic Band surgery?

Individuals between the ages of 18-65 are generally preferred for laparoscopic band surgery. However, the age limit is not a definite rule and as a result of the evaluation with your surgeon, it is determined whether you are a suitable candidate.

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