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AspireAssist: A Next Generation Solution for Ideal Weight Loss

AspireAssist is a method that offers a new generation solution for weight loss. Doctor Cihan Şahan provides his patients with the opportunity to lose weight effectively by using this innovative technology. AspireAssist is a system used to reduce food intake in the body.

The working principle of AspireAssist is quite simple. This system consists of a tube placed in the stomach and a device. Doctor Cihan Şahan performs the procedure by placing this tube in the patient’s abdomen. This tube can be controlled by an external device.

Identifying Suitable Candidates for AspireAssist

AspireAssist is a viable option for people who meet certain criteria. Generally, individuals with a body mass index (BMI) over 35 and struggling with obesity can benefit from AspireAssist. However, those who do not want to undergo weight loss surgery and avoid surgical risk factors are also suitable candidates for the use of AspireAssist.

Doctor Cihan Şahan considers various factors when evaluating his patients. These factors include health history, current medical conditions, lifestyle, dietary habits, and weight loss goals. Doctor Şahan takes an individual approach for each patient and decides whether the use of AspireAssist is appropriate.

AspireAssist is a promising option for people who want to overcome their weight loss difficulties and regain their self-confidence. Doctor Cihan Şahan provides comprehensive counseling to his patients about AspireAssist and supports suitable candidates in their weight loss journey. Doctor Şahan’s knowledge and experience enables AspireAssist users to achieve safe and effective results.

Working Principle of AspireAssist

AspireAssist has a unique working principle to achieve weight loss. This principle ensures that some of the digested food is expelled directly. AspireAssist consists of a tube and device. While describing the working principle of AspireAssist, Doctor Cihan Şahan states that the device is connected to a hole that opens outside of the stomach and this hole is controlled by a valve.

Processing Stages of AspireAssist

Preparation and Evaluation

It is important to consult a doctor before starting the AspireAssist procedure. The doctor assesses the patient’s general health, sets weight loss goals, and advises whether AspireAssist is a viable option. At this stage, Doctor Cihan Şahan examines the patient’s personal health history and evaluates his suitability for the procedure.

Surgical Procedure

The AspireAssist procedure requires a simple surgical procedure. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. The doctor inserts the AspireAssist tube into the stomach by making a small incision. This incision is a minimally invasive approach that often leaves an indistinct scar. Doctor Cihan Şahan places the AspireAssist tube safely, giving importance to the surgical procedure and the patient’s comfort.

Education and Training

AspireAssist users receive post-process training and detailed instructions on how to use the device. Doctor Cihan Şahan trains users on the correct use of AspireAssist, care and cleaning of the tube. This training process enables patients to use the device effectively and achieve their weight loss goals.

Controlling Nutrient Absorption

AspireAssist users can remove some of the digested food by using the device immediately after their meals. In this way, the calories of the nutrients expelled through the tube are removed from the body without being absorbed. The ability to control nutrient absorption allows users to achieve more effective results in the weight loss process.

Doctor Cihan Şahan highlights the advantages of AspireAssist’s nutrient absorption control feature for users. This feature supports the person to eat in a more controlled way and reach their weight loss goals. Users can provide portion control by throwing out the food as much and at appropriate times as they want. This helps them develop a healthier eating habit.

What should be considered in the use of the device?

When using AspireAssist, it is important for users to pay attention to certain rules. Doctor Cihan Şahan gives the following recommendations for the effective and safe use of the device:

Proper Cleaning

Cleaning the AspireAssist regularly reduces the risk of infection. Users should get detailed information about the cleaning and maintenance of the device from their doctors or healthcare professionals.

Nutrition and Supplements

AspireAssist users should adhere to a healthy diet. Nutrient-rich foods are an important part of a balanced diet. Doctor Cihan Şahan recommends that users consider vitamin and mineral supplements.

Regular Checks

AspireAssist users should go to regular doctor check-ups. These controls are important in terms of monitoring weight loss and evaluating health status. Doctor Cihan Şahan emphasizes that regular follow-up increases the chances of success for users.

Benefits of AspireAssist

Controlled Weight Loss

AspireAssist is an important tool in achieving controlled weight loss. When used in conjunction with other methods such as diet and exercise, it makes one’s weight loss process more manageable. AspireAssist controls the amount of calories the body needs to take by reducing the absorption of nutrients from the stomach. In this way, the person can maintain the weight loss process at a healthy pace while consuming fewer calories. Doctor Cihan Şahan emphasizes the effect of AspireAssist in providing controlled weight loss and recommends this method to his patients.

Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle

AspireAssist not only helps you lose weight in the weight loss process, but also encourages the transition to a healthier lifestyle. This method helps the person to review their eating habits and focus on nutrition more consciously. AspireAssist users create a healthier diet plan by choosing lower calorie and nutritious foods. They also gain motivation to exercise and devote more time to physical activity. Doctor Cihan Şahan states that AspireAssist is a tool that encourages the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

Decreased Health Problems Associated with Obesity

The use of AspireAssist helps reduce obesity-related health problems. Obesity can lead to many serious health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and joint problems. Losing weight with AspireAssist reduces the risk of these health problems and in some cases can relieve the symptoms of existing problems. Doctor Cihan Şahan states that AspireAssist gives positive results in reducing obesity-related health problems and increases the quality of life of his patients.

Frequently asked Questions

How does AspireAssist work?

AspireAssist is a system that removes some of the food before it reaches the stomach. A tube is placed in the stomach and opened into the intestines through a device. After the food enters the stomach, the device opens a valve that opens into the intestines, expelling some of the food.

What is the effectiveness of AspireAssist in weight loss?

AspireAssist has been shown to be an effective weight loss method in clinical studies. Studies show that individuals using AspireAssist lose more weight compared to other weight loss methods. However, each individual’s response may be different, and more research is needed on long-term outcomes.

Is AspireAssist a permanent solution?

AspireAssist is not a permanent weight management tool. This system is used as a method to support weight loss. It is important to maintain diet and lifestyle changes while using AspireAssist.

Is AspireAssist easy to use?

AspireAssist is considered an easy-to-use system by users. However, it is important to be initially trained by a healthcare professional and learn to use the device correctly. Users should follow detailed instructions on cleaning, maintaining and regulating the food intake of the appliance.

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