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Gastric Bypass In Obesity Surgery

Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure applied to combat obesity. In this method, food intake and digestion process are changed by reducing the size of the stomach and skipping part of the intestines. In this way, less food is consumed and the body’s calorie absorption is reduced. Thus, weight loss is accelerated and the risk of developing obesity-related health problems is reduced.

Identification of Suitable Candidates for Gastric Bypass

A. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Obesity Classification

When considering a surgical method such as Gastric Bypass, candidates’ body mass index (BMI) and obesity classification should be considered. The BMI value is a basic criterion for obesity classification and is used by physicians to determine the suitability of candidates. Doctor Şahan guides candidates in calculating BMI and discusses appropriate treatment options.

B. Situations Where Other Weight Loss Methods Have Failed

Doctor Cihan Şahan states that Gastric Bypass can be an effective solution for patients who are unsuccessful in the weight loss process. It is important to consider surgical options, especially when diet and exercise programs fail to achieve sufficient results to achieve long-term weight loss. Doctor Şahan evaluates previous weight loss attempts and creates an appropriate treatment plan by meeting with his patients one-on-one.

C. Health Status and Comorbidities

Health status and comorbidities are an important factor in evaluating candidates’ eligibility. Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea are known as obesity-related comorbidities and are important for the effectiveness of Gastric Bypass.

Doctor Cihan Şahan states that comorbidities that occur with obesity can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, in cases where Gastric Bypass is a suitable option in the treatment of obesity, the presence of comorbidities is evaluated. Doctor Şahan carefully examines the medical histories of his patients and evaluates how comorbidities may affect the treatment process and creates the appropriate treatment plan.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Process

Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure that is usually performed laparoscopically. The laparoscopic method is a minimally invasive technique and is performed using small incisions. This speeds up the patient’s healing process and reduces the risk of complications.

The surgical team divides the stomach into two. The top part separates to create a smaller stomach pouch. This means that the person can consume less food. In the second step, the surgeon connects part of the small intestine to the gastric pouch. Doctor Cihan Şahan, with his expertise and experience, ensures the successful performance of Gastric Bypass operation.

Anatomical Change of Stomach After Gastric Bypass

During this operation, significant changes occur in the anatomical structure of the stomach. Doctor Cihan Şahan, as a specialist surgeon, emphasizes the importance of these changes to the stomach in the weight loss process.

In the Gastric Bypass operation, the stomach is divided into two parts, a smaller upper stomach pouch (pouch) and a larger lower stomach pouch.

  • The upper stomach sac is large enough to hold only a small amount of food. In this way, the person consumes less amount of food and feels full more quickly.
  • The lower stomach sac is the part where enzymes that help digestion are produced.

New Stomach Structure and Digestive System After Gastric Bypass

After the Gastric Bypass operation, significant changes occur on the digestive system of the person. The small stomach area has a smaller volume than before. This helps patients eat less and feel full more quickly.

The bypassed stomach is directed directly into the intestine to connect to the small intestine. This alters the digestive process and affects nutrient absorption. Doctor Cihan Şahan gives his patients detailed information about this new digestive system and helps them adopt the right eating habits.

Life After Gastric Bypass

A. Nutrition and Dietary Recommendations

Post-operative diet aims to provide the body with the nutrients it needs and to control weight. Nutrition and dietary recommendations support individuals to lose weight in a healthy way and meet their body’s needs.

Doctor Cihan Şahan emphasizes the importance of eating slowly and in small portions, primarily on nutrition after Gastric Bypass. This helps prevent digestive issues without overstretching the stomach and making digestion easier. He also recommends opting for protein-rich foods.

After Gastric Bypass, some foods may be difficult to digest. Therefore, it is important to avoid fatty, sugary and processed foods.

It is important for individuals to drink enough water to achieve a healthy weight loss. Doctor Cihan Şahan advises his patients to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water ensures the proper functioning of the metabolism in the body, reduces the feeling of hunger and helps to remove toxins.

B. The Importance of Exercise and Physical Activity

After Gastric Bypass surgery, changes in the diet alone are not enough. Doctor Cihan Şahan advises his patients to exercise regularly and make physical activity a part of their lives. Exercise and physical activity support the weight loss process, preserve muscle mass and have positive effects on overall health.

Doctor Cihan Şahan recommends that his patients start their exercise routine slowly and increase the duration and intensity over time.

C. Follow-up and Control Appointments

Follow-up and control appointments after Gastric Bypass surgery are important to monitor the health status of patients and to intervene when necessary. Doctor Cihan Şahan recommends that his patients attend regular follow-up appointments and do not neglect the recommended check-ups. These appointments evaluate the effectiveness of the operation, review nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, and update the treatment plan if necessary.

Follow-up and control appointments are important to monitor the postoperative development of patients and to detect possible complications early. Doctor Cihan Şahan advises his patients not to miss these appointments and to contact them immediately if they have any concerns or problems. In this way, it is ensured that individuals continue their weight loss processes in a healthy way and achieve long-term success.

Frequently asked Questions

How is Gastric Bypass performed?

In the Gastric Bypass operation, the stomach is reduced and the intestines are rearranged. This is usually done by closed or open surgical methods.

Who is Gastric Bypass suitable for?

Gastric Bypass is recommended for people with obesity-related health problems and those whose weight loss efforts are unsuccessful. However, physician evaluation is necessary to determine whether it is appropriate for each patient.

What are the advantages of Gastric Bypass?

Gastric Bypass has advantages such as rapid and effective weight loss, improvement in obesity-related diseases, high success rate and long-term results.

How long does it take to lose weight after Gastric Bypass?

Weight loss after Gastric Bypass differs from individual to individual. Rapid weight loss can be seen in the first few months, and long-term goals are usually achieved within 1-2 years.

Will there be weight regain after Gastric Bypass?

Weight regain may occur after Gastric Bypass, but this can usually be prevented with proper diet and lifestyle changes. Regularly attending follow-up appointments, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can help with weight stabilization.

Is pregnancy possible after Gastric Bypass?

Yes, pregnancy is possible after Gastric Bypass. But before you get pregnant, it’s important to talk to your doctor and determine your nutritional needs. The need for follow-up and support may increase during pregnancy.

When can I return to normal food after Gastric Bypass?

The process of returning to normal foods after Gastric Bypass occurs gradually after the operation. In the first few weeks, liquid and pureed foods are consumed, then gradually switch to solid foods.


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