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Gastric Bypass: An Effective Method to Fight Obesity

Obesity has become a rapidly growing health problem worldwide. Factors such as increased fast food consumption, sedentary lifestyles and stress are making weight loss more difficult. While obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and other serious health problems, it can also negatively impact quality of life.

Bariatric surgery plays an important role in addressing these challenges. Gastric bypass surgery has emerged as an effective and evidence-based treatment for obesity. This surgical procedure promotes weight loss by reducing the volume of the stomach and reorganizing the intestines.

Dr. Cihan Şahan is one of the leading experts in bariatric surgery in Turkey and has extensive experience in gastric bypass surgery. With his current approach to treating obesity and his knowledge of the effectiveness of surgical procedures, he helps patients lead a healthy life.

What is Gastric Bypass surgery and how does it work?

Gastric Bypass surgery is an effective method that is often preferred in the treatment of obesity. This surgical procedure aims to reduce stomach volume and reorganize the intestines to combat obesity.

During surgery, the stomach is divided to create a smaller upper part (upper stomach pouch) and a larger lower part (lower stomach pouch). This allows the food eaten to fit into a smaller volume and increases the feeling of fullness.

In addition, the intestines are also rearranged. The upper gastric pouch is separated from the lower gastric pouch, providing direct connection with a portion of the small intestine. This allows food to bypass certain parts of the intestine and reduce nutrient absorption.

Dr.Cihan Şahan has extensive experience in the effectiveness of this surgical procedure. While sharing the success stories of his patients, he emphasizes the importance of Gastric Bypass surgery in the treatment of obesity and manages the process of achieving a healthy weight loss.

Evaluation and Selection Criteria Before Gastric Bypass Surgery

Preliminary interviews with Dr.Cihan Şahan are an important part of patient evaluation. Dr.Şahan conducts a comprehensive evaluation to determine whether patients are suitable for bariatric surgery. First of all, it receives information about the patient’s general health status, duration of obesity, weight loss trials and accompanying health problems, if any.

Dr.Şahan uses a number of criteria to identify suitable candidates for bariatric surgery. These criteria include body mass index (BMI), obesity classification, success of weight loss attempts, and obesity-related health problems. In addition, it is evaluated whether the patient can adapt to the surgery and maintain the post-surgical lifestyle changes.

Dr.Cihan Şahan’s professional evaluation clearly reveals whether patients are suitable for bariatric surgery. This evaluation process is important for patients to be operated in a healthy and safe manner. Taking an individual approach for each patient, Dr.Şahan informs patients in detail about the potential benefits, risks and expected results of bariatric surgery.

Importance of Diet and Lifestyle Changes Before Gastric Bypass Surgery

Dr.Cihan Şahan emphasizes the importance of preparing bariatric surgery candidates for diet and lifestyle changes before surgery. Bariatric surgery is a starting point for maintaining a long-term healthy lifestyle as well as achieving permanent weight loss.

Dr.Şahan advises bariatric surgery candidates to adopt a diet and exercise program before surgery. This program is important to support the weight loss process and enable patients to recover faster after surgery. It focuses on issues such as adopting healthy eating habits, portion control, and consuming foods rich in protein and fiber.

It’s Time to Change Some Habits with Gastric Bypass

Dr.Cihan Şahan also advises his patients to stay away from harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol. These habits can negatively affect the post-surgical recovery process and prevent weight loss. It also states that regular exercise will support weight loss after bariatric surgery and improve general health.

Dietary and lifestyle changes recommended by Dr. Cihan Şahan enable bariatric surgery candidates to successfully prepare for the operation. These changes play an important role in patients’ post-operative weight loss and health recovery.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Operation Stages

Gastric division is one of the basic steps of the surgical procedure and Dr.Cihan Şahan shows great sensitivity at this stage. In this procedure, the upper part of the stomach is separated and a smaller pocket is created. Dr.Cihan Şahan’s experience and expertise enable him to perform gastric division safely, thus enabling his patients to reach their weight loss goals faster.

After gastric division, the process of gastric reduction and intestinal reorganization begins. Dr.Cihan Şahan, as part of his surgical team, meticulously performs the gastric reduction procedure. At this stage, the stomach is further reduced in size, further restricting food intake. Next, the intestines are reorganized and the digestive process is optimized.

Gastric Bypass surgery can be performed with laparoscopic (closed) or open methods. Dr.Cihan Şahan states that the laparoscopic method offers many advantages for his patients. Laparoscopic surgery is done with smaller incisions and is less invasive. This means a faster healing process, less pain and smaller scars. With the use of the laparoscopic method, Dr.Cihan Şahan helps his patients to relax and return to normal daily activities in a shorter time.

Healing Process in 3 Steps After Gastric Bypass Surgery

The diet and nutrition guidelines of the patients after the operation

After Gastric Bypass surgery, patients should pay attention to their diet and diet. First of all, in the first few weeks after the operation, the process of feeding with liquid and soft foods is started. Then, a gradual transition to solid foods is made. A low-calorie, protein-rich diet should be followed and fluid intake should be considered. In addition, regular use of vitamin and mineral supplements is also necessary. Dr.Cihan Şahan supports the follow-up of a healthy and balanced diet by providing a customized nutrition plan to his patients.

Healing process, possible complications and risks

The recovery process after Gastric Bypass surgery may vary depending on individual factors. Generally, patients are monitored in the hospital for a few days after the operation and are discharged home. During the healing process, there are some complications that need attention. These include conditions such as infection, bleeding, intestinal obstruction. Dr.Cihan Şahan aims to detect possible complications early by supporting his patients with regular check-ups and follow-up programs. Regular communication and follow-up with your Dr.plays a critical role in a healthy recovery process.

The importance of regular follow-up and support programs

Dr.Cihan Şahan helps his patients to optimize weight loss and health by offering a follow-up plan tailored to their individual needs. These programs may include regular check-ups, laboratory tests, nutritional counseling and psychological support services. Also, participating in patient support groups can increase motivation and provide experience sharing. By ensuring that his patients receive continuous support and guidance, Dr. Cihan Şahan supports them in maintaining their long-term success and lifestyle changes.

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